Wednesday 3 June 2020

Things that are better with an Ostomy

Most of life when it comes to medical issues is always negative.  There is a side effect here and a pain there.  The recovery time is long and there are so many things that can go wrong.  What some people don’t tell you is even when you are injured or have an ailment like a stoma some things actually get better.  I know that sounds a big crazy, but I have some distinct advantages my non stoma friends and family don't have.  Oh yes it is very true I carry my waist around in a bag and have to empty it instead of doing my business on the pot, but it does come with some distinct wins.

The first advantage to having an ostomy is being able to make it to and through the theatre better than anyone else.  I love movies and going to the movies is one of my favorite things to do when I am bored during the summer.  Not sure why I like watching movies more in the summer than in winter but I am a big fan of it.  So I take my trusty ostomy supplies bag in with me and am able to sit through the whole movie without ever having to worry about missing a minute.  I see the people next to me squirming and sitting uncomfortably.  But I can remember sitting through each of the extended Lord of the Rings movies without having a single issue.  Better yet I ordered a sample for the Larger ostomy supplies bags for free just so I could enjoy a large drink during the movies.  I know that sounds silly but hey why not prepare and enjoy all the benefits that come from having a stoma. 

I am also an amazing road tripper.  I know that sounds a bit strange, but I don’t yell at people to pull over and start acting crazy due to my bladder being pressed like a nasa spaceship leaving the atmosphere.  The best part of having a stoma is being able to hold it for the long haul and well it's really not holding it is it! So I take advantage of my ability to not have to go to the bathroom and get to travel a whole lot without worrying about anything but gas.  

And it certainly is nice not to have to sit down on a gross toilet at a gas station in the middle of nowhere that has not been cleaned since the dark ages. And boy do some of those bathrooms get dark. So take heart and enjoy the life you have and live it to the fullest!

Wednesday 6 May 2020

One Piece Ostomy Bags

This is a choice for those who have had a bladder or colon diversion surgery, and this is where it comes with a skin barrier or wafer and pouch that are joined as one singular unit. This offers more simplicity than a two piece system, but the one downside to it is that you’ll need to change the entire system when you change out the pouch, so it does involve a little bit more work.

Of course, the best way to determine if this is for you is of course, if you talk to your nurse or healthcare provider during all of this.  you can also figure out whether you need a closed bag or a drainable bag, since this means you’ll need to either discard it, or just emptied and then put back. Appliances in that case can also be one or two piece. The one piece is a bag that’ attached to an adhesive square that’s stuck around the stoma.  The two piece uses a flange that adheres to the skin that can be removed without hurting the skin.

Closed bags are usually used for those with formed stools, while the drainable bag is for those who have loose stool, or fluid stool, such as in the case of an ileostomy. Urobags will have a seal at the bottom to help reduce leakage of those types of bags.

They each have their own benefits and drawbacks, depending on the kind of process and type of device that you feel you need.

You use a drainable one piece appliance when you can easily drain it. Some of these have filters, but the problem is they have varying levels of satisfaction from patients based on how these control the odor and release the flatus. Some prefer the release of the flatus via the bag outlet., but, care must be used so that fecal spillage doesn’t happen, and usually it takes a bit of time and patience when using this method, since you can get rid of the flatus easily, but the removal of the solid faces through the bag can be more difficult, since patients may have to accept the decreased ease of this in order to get an increased ease of removal.  The drainable appliances are usually more costly too. If the patients change them more frequently, that will require more bags, and of course, drainable bags are drained much more often. The drainable options do offer an easier means of cost. 

One piece bags come in many different sizes and styles depending on what the patient wants. There are appliances which have an opening near the top where it drains into a bag, and there might be a resealable opening at the bottom of this, in order to allow for emptying. There also might be an adhesive seal around this in some cases, but some might have a separate seal that the bag attaches to for good results.

One piece ostomy bags are less evident under clothes, so it’s good for patients that have tighter fitting clothes. They offer more confidence in a lot of cases, adhere better to flabby or scarred skin, is more economical since the parts will come together easily, the one-piece systems have less parts so patients that have dexterity problems will have less issues with it, it’s oftentimes easier and better for those who struggle with motor controls, since it can be placed quite easily, and it also is good for swelling abdomens.

This type of system is good for some people, and some will prefer the one piece over the two piece systems when it comes to their type ofostomy bag.

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Hiking with an Ostomy

So you love the outdoors. I am obsessed with being outdoors and the freedom it brings me mentally. It is great to be outside with nature and feel the fresh air and smell the joy it brings.  Don’t let the idea that an ostomy can get in the way slow you down!  Hiking with an ostomy is totally ok and is doable every day. If you like to hike trails or even do multi day backpacking it is possible.  Just be prepared and start slow.

If you are doing a day hike it is really important to bring an amount of extra supplies with you.  Just like you would bring extra water and extra food.  Bring an extra bag just in case. Sometimes you only have to irrigate in the morning and not have to mess with the bag for the rest of the day.  Everyone is a bit different, but you may have a pretty easy ordeal.  But don’t start doing a giant hike.  Start slow. Walk around the neighbourhood and test your gear and in my case my ostomy supplies.  There are lots of different products out there but I like that I can sample ostomy supplies for free.  This allowed me a great flexibility in choosing the gear that worked best. Remember also that if you have an ostomy you are likely more prone to hernias. So take it easy.  Don’t push things too hard too fast. Short tests, and then add a light pack after a few short hikes and build from there.

You want to take it slow because you want to make sure your gear is doing well with your stoma. You will be sweating much more than normal so make sure everything has a good seal and wont leak when you don’t want it to. Make sure to keep some extra supplies with you. If you are going to swap bags keep enough stuff with you to do it safely and carry the used bag back to the trail head.  Keeping a clean trail is just as important as keeping yourself clean. Its a cycle I believe it and think everyone should follow. If you brought it in, you bring it out! 

So if you have to dig a hole to empty the contents of your bag, bring a zip lock or two to pack out the used bag.  Also make sure to have cleaning supplies in case something goes wrong and you get a bit messy. I know its common sense, but sometimes things get forgone when you are in a rush or excited. Stay safe, and contact your healthcare giver for questions and to make sure you are healthy enough to hike.

Types of Ostomy Pouches

Everyone has a preference when it comes to what they like in clothing.  Can you blame anyone It's important to look and feel good in public. Summer is upon us and the time to feel and look good has come.  There is no reason that anyone should feel in any way left out of this fashion due to having an ostomy.  It's a stigma that some people put on themselves and for no good reason.  I want everyone to feel comfortable and look good.  So as a preference I have found that ostomy Supplies is a great supplier to pouches and products that fit all different types and individual needs.  Don’t take my word for it though and remember to always read, research, listen to your healthcare provider and test on your own. 

Part of looking good in your own skin is having the proper gear.  ConvaTec Ostomy Supplies has the esteem line of pouches that I find to be a great one piece pouch.  They are most known for their adhesives that have brought trust amount many with a stoma.  The adhesives are known to prevent leaks and keep the skin around your stoma healthy.  That is one of the most important parts of having a stoma in my opinion.  Skin care is what you should become a pro at. Keeping healthy means, not having pain or a rash that you are dealing with on a daily basis.

Another great feature of these is the softness that they bring.  It allows me to be comfortable and when its soft against my skin I am able to sinch down and bring a wider range of clothes into my life.  Not everything has to be a baggy.  Being able to wear more skin tight clothing due to the softness of the pouch brings more life to my summer and more confidence to my walk.  It really is the small things in life that can be the most important. Its also great to know that I wont be the cause of unwanted attention in other areas.  Yes, I am talking about smell.

Having a pouch that smells is embarrassing. It takes me to being the awkward turtle in the room and most people that are not really good friends have no idea that I have an ostomy.  They don’t know because I live a completely normal life style. The only difference is that I do have a bag on me at all times.  Having a smelly bag is not acceptable and I like the filter on these.  Stay safe and follow all your healthcare providers advice on your ostomy.